benefits and side effects of Tomato

The South American continent is the homeland of tomatoes, it grows there in the wild to this day. If only we knew about tomato benefits, we would eat it much more often. But is this delicious vegetable so good? Doctors claim that tomato has some side effects. So, let’s consider all “pros and cons”.
Tomatoes are used in cooking adding to salads, side and meat dishes, soups and so on. They can be fried, boiled, stewed, marinated, dried. Lots of delicious juice and ketchup are made from them. Nutritional value of tomatoes Its energy value is small because tomato contains 95% of water. The rest is chemical compounds. Despite the low caloric content (only 20 kcal per 100 gr.), the vegetable is rich in useful micro- and macroelements, vitamins and antioxidants. Chemical composition of fresh tomato Proteins – 0.6 g, carbohydrates – 4.2 g, fats – 0.2 g; Vitamin A – 1.2 mg, vitamin C – 25 mg, vitamin H 1.2 mg; Mono- and disaccharides - 3.5 g; Potassium – 290 g, magnesium – 20 mg; phosphorus – 26 mg, chlorine – 57 mg; sodium – 40 mg. Zinc, boron, manganese, calcium, copper are also included in composition. Tomato benefits for health When it comes to this vegetable's benefits for health, it means that it has healing properties in fresh form. However, in case of tomatoes that’s not exactly true. They can be useful even as canned vegetable. For example, green tomatoes with salting and without vinegar retains almost all vitamins, antioxidants and acids. Tomatoes are also good for health in prepared form. The frequent drinking of tomato juice reduces the risk of thrombosis, intestinal obstruction and varicose. If you eat fresh tomatoes, remember that they are absorbed better with vegetable oil.
Tomato benefits for skin
It’s scientifically proven that tomato has positive impact on skin. You can even wipe your face and body with the vegetable. B vitamins improve a complexion, make skin elastic and remove its dryness. If you have acne, furunculosis, eczema, make a mask with tomato and oatmeal. Take 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon of dry oat flakes and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice; Blend tomato and oatmeal, then add lemon juice and mix it; Apply it to your face or body.
Tomato benefits for weight loss
As we’ve said tomato is low-calorie product. There are several types of diets that consist of tomato dishes. However, before you go on a diet, consult a doctor. Tomato also satiates you and helps to refrain from frequent meals. The cancer prevention Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to prevent the growth and development of cancer cells. This antioxidant is better absorbed when tomatoes are heat treated. Tomato also has a substance that destroys mutated cells in the body. It helps to prevent lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. Normalization of digestive tract The fiber improves digestion, enhances secretion of digestive juice. The tomato peel stimulates intestinal peristalsis and reduces a possibility of constipation. That’s why, doctors recommend people suffering from low acidity to eat tomatoes. The vegetable improves appetite due to citric and malic acid.
Improvement of heart function
The tomato has C and PP vitamins, it means tomato benefits for heart. The people who have ischemic disease should eat it more often. The anthocyanins strengthen the small vessels walls. The seeds of tomato thin the blood and avoid clotting. Tomato is also useful for atherosclerosis prevention. Excretion of toxic substances from the body The vegetables flush out toxins got during chronic diseases. Tomatoes are especially useful for smokers or those who have given up smoking recently. The coffee and linoleic acids split nicotinic resin, and remove it from the lungs. It also helps to get rid of black tooth stain. Increased hemoglobin The frequent eating of tomato has a positive impact on blood composition. The mature tomato contains 0.9 mg – 100 g of iron that contributes to hemopoiesis. Tomatoes are also useful for pregnant women and for people with iron deficiency.
Tomato side effects If you have frequent digestive disorders and increases acidity, try to eat tomatoes not very often. Don’t eat it often if you have cardiovascular pathologies. The people with a high content of uric acid in the blood. This is widespread during rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis and gout. Don’t eat tomatoes with fish, eggs and bread. These combinations lead to slow down digestion what can be the reason of swelling. Contraindications: Salt-free diet prescribed by a doctor. Refrain from canned tomatoes: they contain a lot of salt; Allergic reaction that can be caused by C vitamin or coloring agents. Eat yellow tomatoes: they contain less ascorbic acid; Gastritis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcer. Well, now you know all benefits and side effects of tomato. And you are sure you need eat this vegetable reagularly. Perhaps, you don’t know what health problems you have. In this case, consult a doctor to know if you can eat tomatoes.