5 natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny

5 natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny

Although everyone desires white and shiny teeth, there are some who have resigned themselves to the belief that nothing can be done to bring their wish to reality.

After all, they've tried every possible means to make it work without achieving a positive result.
Well, you might as well change your belief if you're one of them; because, in this article, you will discover some of the natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny.
Types of teeth and their common problems

Here are five natural ways to make your teeth white and shiny

1. Banana peel

Surprising but efficient, the banana the peel has been proven to contain lots of magnesium, potassium and other teeth whitening minerals that can make the colour of your teeth look better.
However, it is very easy to use the banana peel method. Rub it on your teeth for some minutes after brushing and rinse out of your mouth with warm water.

2. A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Both the hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda have been known to give results when used singly and have been used as home remedies for whitening the teeth for quite some time now,
As a matter of fact, a mixture of the two is bound to give better results.
This remedy is used by mixing the hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and forming a sort of paste, which is then used as a toothpaste.
However, it is not advisable to make use of this remedy regularly because of the abrasive nature of its components.


3. Baking soda and lemon combo

The paste is formed by using half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda.
Apply it in your teeth using a cotton bud and let it stay for a few minutes (not less than one minute and not more than two minutes).
Use your regular toothpaste to wash off afterward.

4. Baking soda and coconut oil

When it comes to either home remedies of DIYs, coconut oil is king. And this is because it contains a lot of nutrients and minerals.
However, when combined with baking soda, they form a teeth whitening paste that can be applied to the teeth for a few minutes before washing off.
Apply baking soda and coconut oil paste to teeth for few mins and rinse with warm water.

5. Use of foil and toothpaste

Cut out two rectangles of aluminum foil and rub your toothpaste or any of the above homemade remedies. Use the foil to cover the teeth on your upper jaw and lower jaw and leave it for a few minutes before removing it.
In conclusion, when making use of the homemade remedies, remember to apply them consistently, because that is the only way you can get your desired result.


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